Land stewardship and community resiliency are at the heart of the work we do at Fox & Hen Farm.

Our Mission

We aim to make mindful decisions daily that will positively benefit future generations. Our long term approach to farming and development focus on leaving this world better than we found it.

The Farm in Action

We have 50 laying hens and a rooster named Glen. We sell pasture-raised eggs weekly to our community members. Our main outlet for farm sales is the Red River Gorge Farmers Market. We raise a variety of produce and herbs, from strawberries to tulsi basil and tomatoes to cushaws. We intercrop heavily, amend with organic compost and aim to move towards a permanent bed system as to keep tillage to a minimum.

A few photos from the farm.


1211 Tarr Ridge Road
Frenchburg, KY, 40322, US

About us

Small, sustainable farm in Menifee County, KY.
Located within the Cherokee & Shawnee Territories.

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